New Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 Tutorial – Part 09

I have just finished uploading tutorial 09 in my Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial series, titled Who’s That Girl? In this tutorial, I add a non-player character to the game. It is shorter than my other tutorials but demonstrates how to share data between the game library and the shared library. You can find the link to the tutorial on my blog’s Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 page. Also, you can access it with this direct link.

What’s Next?

Well, the next tutorial will cover adding characters to A Summoner’s Tale. It will also be a shorter tutorial than the others. I hope to have that up this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest. After that, I am probably going to go to the editor. That, or I will add in having conversations with NPCs. That can be a tough thing to do. I don’t want to go with my usual way of doing it. That is because we don’t have portraits of the characters. I’m thinking of going with bubbles above the character.

My Projects

I have been working on Eyes of Inashti. I’m making progress. I now have mobs rendering on the map. However, I still need to have them moving and affected by gravity. I will tackle that after I have finished posting this tutorial. Speaking of Eyes of Inashti, I don’t think I will be using the same tile engine in Forest Rush. In fact, I might replace the tile engine in Eyes of Insashti. It might use less memory, but it is cumbersome to work with. We will see.

Final Thoughts

This was a quick tutorial. I got in, covered what I wanted to, and got out. The next tutorial will be for A Summoner’s Tale and will be pretty much the same. The difference is how the tile engine works. I could pull the tile engine out of one and swap it out for the other. I don’t think I’m going to do that, though. So, keep an eye out for the next tutorial. Also, I’m going to revive my newsletter so the tutorials will go to you instead of you coming to them. Good luck with your game programming adventures!
