New A Summoner’s Tale Tutorial! Part 0E

I have finished, and I am posting tutorial 0E (14) in my A Summoner’s Tale tutorial series. This tutorial makes the tile engine more like Eyes of the Dragon. It also implements the character layer and places a character on the map. You can find the link to the tutorial on the A Summoner’s Tale page of my blog, or you can use this direct link.

What’s Next?

My thought is to continue with the characters. To add the conversation components. I would start with A Summoner’s Tale this time, then move on to Eyes of the Dragon. I haven’t forgotten or abandoned Forest Rush. I will check back with it and add the tile engine and collision between objects and the tiles. I will most likely get to that on the weekend.

My Projects

I spent most of my evening yesterday on tutorial E last night. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to work on the Eyes of Inashti. However, I will be spending some time with it today. In addition, I will be continuing with mobs. I have them on the map, but they don’t interact with anything or move. I want to get them affected by gravity and moving on the map. I have the code. It is just a matter of implementing it.

Final Thoughts

I would have posted this last night. Unfortunately, there was an internet outage, and I was one of the customers affected by it. It took a bit of work this morning in order to get it to come back. But I’m back online and using the web. I’m eager to get started on the next tutorial. So, stay tuned for more game programming goodness.
