Second Forest Rush 3.8.1 Tutorial!

I have just finished uploading the second Forest Rush 3.8.1 tutorial to my Google Drive and sharing it on my site’s Forest Rush 3.8.1 page. This tutorial adds in just a touch more infrastructure, the state manager and the input manager. Even the input manager is at the absolute bare minimum needed in the game. You can find the tutorial on my blog’s Forest Rush 3.8.1 page. Also, you can find it at this direct link.

What’s Next?

Now that is an excellent question. I want to do the third tutorial in Forest Rush. It would cover adding in the tile engine and some per-pixel collision detection. The other option is adding NPCs to Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 or A Summoner’s Tale. So, I’m being pulled in three directions, and it hurts! No, not really. It is a tough choice, though. You have been aching for a new A Summoner’s Tale. There hasn’t been one in a while. But, on the other hand, you are also really into my Forest Rush tutorials. So, I’m leaning toward NPCs.

My Projects

I will be spending the rest of my morning working on the Eyes of Inashti game, with no tutorials. That is the plan, at least. Plans tend to change with me, as you might have noticed. I can be a bit flighty. I will be working on adding mobs to the game for the player to fight. I have a goblin all ready for the fight! If that goes smoothly, I may start one of the three previously mentioned tutorials.

Final Thoughts

So, I was up at three in the morning, and I had a flash of inspiration, and I just had to finish the second Forest Rush 3.8.1 tutorial while it was fresh in my mind. My flash was right on the money, and I had to player’s jump animation working in no time. I hope to have similar inspiration when it comes to my game programming adventures today. I will be back tomorrow with another game programming adventure. Good luck with your game programming adventures!
