MonoGame RPG Tutorial 62 – Status

So, things have been quiet, and I have been decompressing from work. I did start work on the next tutorial in Eyes of the Dragon. It has been painfully slow, though. I have to design forms, which is always time-consuming. I also had to make a few changes to some classes in the library. I won’t be working on it for the duration of the evening, though. I will be working on it tomorrow, and I hope to finish it. It will cover creating spells in the editor. I will cover talents in a separate tutorial to separate them. If I don’t finish tomorrow, I will finish on Saturday.

What’s Next?

Well, as I just said, I will be working on part 62 of Eyes of the Dragon. After that, I will be doing another editor tutorial that will cover talents. I will be able to reuse a lot of tutorial 62 for it, so it should be relatively quick. Once I have finished these two tutorials, I will bounce back to the game and handle reading in content at runtime rather than having to code spells and talents manually.

My Projects

While I have opened Silver Prophet, I haven’t made much progress. I have been frustrated by the framerates and the lack of MonoGame’s ability to run on my RTX card correctly. It is bound and determined to run on the integrated graphics card. If it does run on the RTX, it runs in Copy mode instead of 3D mode, seriously crippling the framerate. I’ve tried several potential solutions with no luck. If you know of a way to work around this issue, please drop a comment, as I will be happy to have an answer.

I did open the editor that I have been working on for my job. While not complete, it is allowing me to do my work effectively. It is a real productivity boost, and I love having code completion. Of course, there are still areas that need improving, like the dialog editor, but I don’t often design those for my job. Most often, I work on automated scripts that require no user interaction. For that, the editor has been a Godsend. The one annoying issue is on my work laptop. If I close and reopen Visual Studio Code, I have to disable and enable the extension again for it to work. It is an easy fix, but I need to find a solution.

Final Thoughts

While it has been a good break, I have dealt with some personal challenges. First, I will just say that I have had some significant anxiety. These anxiety issues have led to some of the personal challenges of which I spoke. Thankfully, my mood has not been an issue. It has been pretty consistent of late, which is a blessing.