Happy Holidays!

First, I want to take a minute and wish you Happy Holidays. Second, I want to thank you for continuing to visit the blog and reading my tutorials. It has been another year struggling with COVID-19, with no end in sight. Hopefully, we will turn the corner in 2022.

I know I’ve been AFK recently. I’ve just been so exhausted with the long hours I put in at work. So thankfully, I am off until the new year. I hope to knock out a few tutorials over the next week. I will start planning them today and begin work on them.

What’s Next?

So, up next will be a tutorial on bringing the editors into line with the game. The game is so far ahead now because I felt it was more exciting and what you wanted. For the game to work, though, you need to be able to add and modify data. So, I will be working on CRUD operations for some of the hard-coded areas, like spells, talents, and skills.

My Projects

Well, I haven’t worked on games for a while now. However, I did open Silver Prophet a few times to test it on my new laptop. Unfortunately, I encountered a problem. I can’t get it to run on my RTX, or if I do, it runs as Copy, which seriously drops the frame rates. I’ve tried all of the online suggestions, but nothing has helped. So, I’m stumped on what to do now. If you have any thoughts on the matter, please drop a comment below.

Final Thoughts

I was you a safe and prosperous 2022. Hopefully, we can get COVID-19 under control, and life will return to being more like usual. Unfortunately, though, like in the COVID world has seemed to become the new norm. I will be back over the next week with more posts and what I hope to be two or three new tutorials. So, please keep coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!