New Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 Tutorial – Part 15

First, I should have posted this yesterday. However, I was busy with work and my Magic: The Gathering event. Even though it was a small pool of players, I was pleased to place fourth. Now, the tutorial. This tutorial works with encounters with mobs. You can trigger an encounter with the bat by walking up beside it and pressing the E key. You will be taken to a random combat map with obstacles. You can walk around the map but not through obstacles. You can find the link to the tutorial on the Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial page. Also, you can use this direct link. I will not be going back and doing the previous fourteen tutorials, but in the future, I will make each tutorial’s project available.

What’s Next?

The next tutorial will be an Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial. This tutorial will continue with the combat between mobs and the player. For now, fighting will be melee based. There will be no ranged combat for now. Eventually, I will be adding in ranged combat. It will be an I hit you; you hit me affair. The results will display in a status bar at the bottom of the screen. I hope to get to that tutorial over the weekend. It won’t be Friday, though. I have another Magic: The Gathering event.

My Projects

Shadow Monsters is still griping. However, she is happy that I didn’t work on her for a reason other than tutorials. She is kind of proud of me for stepping out of my comfort zone and attending an event. So I will work on her tonight instead of tutorials. Well, I might work on my deck for tomorrow. We will see what happens.

Final Thoughts

I really need to get out more. For that reason, I will be attending at least one Magic: The Gathering Event a week. It will be the Friday night one. It is a quiet little spot, and I have enjoyed playing there. I will continue to work on tutorials and my projects. On that note, I will be back tomorrow with another episode of Game Programming Adventures.
