Where To Begin

So, the past few weeks have been crazy busy. I’ve been working a lot of overtime on the project that is now past due. Also, life has been hectic. This weekend should be calmer, though. I have overtime to put in, but I hope to wrap that up today. I should probably be doing that instead of writing this, but I am on the verge of burnout.

I did treat myself during this time, though. I upgraded my phone to an iPhone, my first ever. Also, I bought a new laptop. It is not uber elite, but it will do what I want it to for years to come. One of the first things I did was install Visual Studio 2019 and MonoGame. Next, I tested the framerates of my 3D tile engine and Eyes of the Dragon to see how much better it is. I am getting ten times the framerate of my old laptop. This weekend I will be moving over the data from my old laptop.

What’s Next?

So, I’ve been thinking about what’s next as far as tutorials are concerned. As much as I don’t want to, really don’t want to, the next few tutorials will be spent in the editors. I need to catch them up with the game. Something I also want to do is update the combat engine a little. I don’t want to pause the game while the player is casting a spell or activating a talent. It just seems to break the user experience for me. Also, I want to add more spells and talents and implement skill trees. I might look at doing the latter of the two first.

My Projects

When I can find time, my main project continues to be the code editor for the language I use at work. It is coming along well. The big issue at the moment is if I close and open Visual Studio code, my syntax highlighting disappears. I think I know what the problem is. I just need to find the time to fix it. Hopefully, in the very near future, I will have something to share with my colleagues. Even at this early stage, I know it has increased my productivity by about 25%.

Final Thoughts

I have a lot of work to do this weekend, so I most likely will not get to a new tutorial. You never know, though. Things may go a lot more smoothly than expected. Hopefully, they do, as I miss writing. So, on that note, I hope that you will continue to visit the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!