Sorry for Being AFK

Well, I have been rather busy with work. If it isn’t on official assignments, it is on the new editor built on top of Visual Studio Code. What is taking so long on it is the dialog editor, more on that later. I never did get time to work on a tutorial in the past week.

What’s Next?

So, I hope to find some time to write this weekend. My workload is light because I have my project in user acceptance testing, and my next project isn’t set to start until sometime next week. I have a project that I am working on. However, I am blocked until I have a meeting on Monday morning, so that really isn’t an issue. The problem is that I’m not sure what to write on next. In terms of game play, the game is pretty complete. What is lagging behind is content creation. I work with that sort of thing all week long, so I don’t really want to get into that on the weekend too. If you have a suggestion on what I should cover, drop a comment. I’m always happy to fill my readers’ requests.

My Projects

As I mentioned at the start, my project continues to be my editor built using Visual Studio Code. The syntax highlighting is almost perfect. However, I have a problem where if I close and open VS Code, I lose syntax highlighting until I disable and re-enable the extension. The code completion is coming along well. I have a colleague who has volunteered to help with data entry. What I have been working on is the dialog editor. It has been slow progress. It is a webview, which I am and am not familiar with. Having worked as a web developer, I’m familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, I am not familiar with the technology the webview is built on. Also, I am not all that familiar with NodeJS. Still, I can create dialogs and inject them into my scripts. However, I cannot have multiple dialogs inside of a script or load an existing dialog.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, I will find some quiet time over the weekend to devote to a tutorial or two. I don’t know what the subject will be, though. There are a few topics that I can cover, but they aren’t very exciting. I will be spending a good chunk of my time working on my editor. I want to wrap it up before the new year. So, I encourage you to keep visiting my blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!