MonoGame RPG Tutorial 39 Status

So, I have been working on tutorial 39 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. The tutorial is about half way through to completion. It covers adding NPCs to the map using the editor. I also make a few updates to the entity classes. Normally I’d say it would finish it tomorrow but not in this case. It is my birthday tomorrow and I probably won’t be spending much time in front of the computer. It is just a suspicion though and anything is possible.

What’s Next

The plan is to finish tutorial 39 over the next few days. Once that tutorial is finished I think what I will cover next is the battle engine. It is going to be a turn based system where are the start of each round of combat you select the party members’ selected action. Once an action has been selected it will be applied based on an initiative roll, eventually modified by the party member’s dexterity. This is a bit of a tactical system but also text based,

My Projects

I have been working on Quintessential Duels as well as the tutorial. What I have been working on is the Android version. In particular I’ve been working on ads. I’ve been having a hard time not having them display on the game play screen. No matter what I’ve tried they are visible. It has been quite nerve racking. I ended up taking a break from it and working on the tutorial. I will be going back to it this evening to try and figure out what it is I am doing wrong.

Final Thoughts

It has been a semi-productive day. I made good progress on tutorial 39 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series. I did not make good progress in my projects. Hopefully I can get back on track with my projects over the weekend, when I have free time.

So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.