Firstly, I’m sorry for missing posting yesterday. I had a rough day and didn’t have then energy to write a post in the evening. Secondly, I did write tutorial 38 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. This is the first tutorial in the series that is not a port from XNA to MonoGame. This tutorial allows for reading maps with animated tiles in the editor and the game. It is on the short side because I did not want to start a new topic. You can find the link to the tutorial on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of the site. Also, the tutorial is available from this direct link.

My Projects
I didn’t work on my projects yesterday or today. I will be working Quintessential Duels this evening. It has been on my to do list for the past few days but I’ve been busy with other things. Also, I didn’t have the energy to work on anything yesterday. The plan is to continue the play through to see how hard, or easy, it is to win the campaign. I don’t want it to be too hard and I want it so that the player will be able to collect a lot of the cards. The player should be able to collect all of the cards by playing against the different opponents. Once I’ve finished the Windows version it is time for the Android and Windows Store versions. Both of those are going to be fairly simple to port.
My next game, Lost Fate, will also be a trading card game. This game, however, will be a fuller trading card game. It includes more than just creature cards. Lost Fate includes spell cards and will include heroes for the player to collect. It is a web based game now but I will be developing a version for Android and Windows Store in MonoGame.
Final Thoughts
Today was a better day than yesterday. I wrote the tutorial and debugged the code. I will be spending the time tonight to work on Quintessential Duels and maybe spend some time on my next tutorial.
So, I encourage you to keep visiting my blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.