Has it really been five months???

Wow, time really slipped away on me. I’ve been meaning to write more, but I keep getting side-tracked. I’m going to attempt to be more present on Game Programming Adventures. I don’t know how focused I will be on tutorials for the foreseeable future. I will try to do that more as well.

What’s Next?

I will be honest, after five months, I forgot where I was. I believe I was working on creating spells and talents in the editor. It will be in my Word document and project. I hope to look at it on the weekend, life permitting.

My Projects

I haven’t worked on a project of my own for nearly the past five months either. There always seems to be something more pressing, or I just don’t have the energy. I hope to change that, though, and where tutorials are concerned as well.

Final Thoughts

I’ve been a bad hostess, neglecting my guests. I do hope to change that, though. Please stay tuned for more Game Programming Adventures.