Brief Update

Not a whole lot new going on. I love my job, should start working on solutions next week. The people are amazing. I hope to have a long career with the company. Though I’ve been working after hours, it hasn’t been on tutorials or my projects. I’m trying to wrap up an app that has been dragging on forever. It is close to being finished. I’ve just run into a weird bug where my images have disappeared on one screen. I was trying to add in pinch gestures, which weren’t working. Since then, none of my pictures will show up. If I revert my changes, then everything works as expected.

I do plan on working on tutorials this weekend, at least some. I miss writing them. However, I need to feed myself and attend to other responsibilities. So, please keep coming back to the blog. I will update when possible and hope to have new content up soon.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!