MonoGame RPG Tutorial 44 Is Live

I have just shared MonoGame RPG tutorial 44. This tutorial continues from where the last tutorial left off. It allows the player to equip items on their character. In addition, it uses a point and click system to equip items rather than the drag and drop that I initially envisioned. You can find the tutorial on the Eyes Of The Dragon page of the blog. Also, you can find the tutorial at this direct link.

What’s Next?

I think I have all the pieces in place to begin the battle engine. I am looking at a turn-based combat engine with two combatants, similar to Pokemon. It will initially be a one versus one scenario. However, it will be designed so that the combat engine can be extended to party versus party, similar to games such as Heroes of Might and Magic. I plan to work on the battle engine over the next few days. Friday and Saturday will be pretty busy days for me, though. So, the next tutorial will not be available until sometime next week.

My Projects

So, I did some thinking last night on my projects. I will be continuing with Lost Fate. However, I am going to offload a lot of the work onto the client. I will shift local battles completely onto the client, freeing up a lot of server resources. For server battles, I will create a tunnel between the two clients and have them communicate directly. The server will directly handle things such as purchases and opening booster packs. Also, the server will be responsible for validating decks.

Final Thoughts

This tutorial went a lot faster than I expected. This is partly due to going with a click system rather than a drag and drop. Also, the combat engine is just around the corner and will be turn-based. I’m really excited to be starting that. So, please, keep coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!