MonoGame RPG Tutorial 43 – Update

So, I have done some work on MonoGame RPG tutorial 43. I think that I will split it into two parts, rather than one super long tutorial. That way, something will be up on the site sooner while I work on the second part. What is left for this first part is that I will be displaying the player’s backpack on the inventory state. I’m debating on if I want to have stackable items in the backpack or if I want to have one item per slot. It is not a decision I will make now, and it will depend on how the game evolves.

What’s Next?

So, the first thing I want to do is finish this tutorial. After this tutorial, there will be a continuation of inventory and then equipping items. Once both parts are finished, I will move on to the combat engine. The combat engine will be turn-based. I am still piecing together how that will look. It will most likely be a one versus one combat instead of the party-based system I initially considered.

My Projects

I haven’t done a lot of work on my projects the past few days. I have been wrapping up an app that I have been working on for a client. Also, I’ve been preparing for interviews. I was contacted last week by a company that I used to work for. They have an opening coming up and have asked if I would be interested in returning. I am indeed interested and would love to return to the company. I’ve had the initial contact and a phone interview. Tomorrow I have the second interview, and I am nervous. I hope that it goes well and I move on to the next phase. So, I am nervous and excited!

Final Thoughts

So, I plan on finishing tutorial 43 over the next few days. I know it has been quite some time since I’ve posted a tutorial. However, it was unavoidable with how things have been going for me. I’ve been monitoring the blog and see that there has been increased readership despite the drought in tutorials. This is helping inspire me to get back to tutorials and on with my other projects.

So, please keep coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.
