MonoGame RPG Tutorial 37 Status

Firstly, sorry about not posting yesterday. I spent the day preparing for my dinner party and then at my dinner party. I didn’t have the energy to post after it was over and done with. Secondly, I have been working on tutorial 37 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. I am about 90% through porting it over to MonoGame. I’ve come across a few issues I don’t know the reason why they are there. There is some code difference between what is in the tutorial and what is in the project. I need to sort that out before I can finish the tutorial.

What’s Next

I will be wrapping up tutorial number 37 tonight and tomorrow and should be posting it online tomorrow. After that, I will be working on a web tutorial or two to take a break from MonoGame. Once that, or those, tutorials are finished I will be back at work on the MonoGame tutorials. I’m not sure where I am going to go next with those tutorials. I do want to go more for game play than editors for a while. For that reason, I might go with the combat engine.

My Projects

I will be devoting part of the evening to my projects, in particular Quintessential Duels. I have moved it over to my new laptop successfully and it runs smoothly. I’m still struggling with how to do the tutorials. There is the static approach with images depicting the concepts. There is also the guided approach where you play through a game move by move but can only make predefined moves against the AI. Both have their advantages and draw backs.

Final Thoughts

It is good to see the readership numbers on the site going up. It makes my feel good that all of my hard work is not for nothing. I would still like to reach more readers so I’m pumping my SEO efforts trying to rank higher in Google. I rank really high in Bing though, and that is something. The tutorials are going well. Though I’m stalled on my projects they are on course to making my milestones.

So, I encourage you to keep coming back to my blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.