Hard Day

So, I had an appointment today that I’ve been dreading. It unfortunately went pretty much the way I didn’t want it to go. They are still undecided on the diagnosis but they are leaning towards Parkinson’s disease. I knew that it was a possibility going in but hearing the words was hard. So, I wasn’t exactly in the frame of mind to work on a tutorial. I will be back to it tomorrow though.

What’s Next

The plan from yesterday remains unchanged. I will be porting tutorial 20 in the XNA Eyes of the Dragon series to MonoGame. That tutorial is about using skills in the game, assigning points to them. After that tutorial I am going to do a couple one of tutorials rather than working on a series. Those tutorials will be on animation using MonoGame and HTML5/JavsScript.

My Projects

I did a bit of work on Quintessential Duels last night and today. I synched the Windows and Android projects. They are both using the same code base again. I started work on authentication for the two platforms. I was planning on going with universal authentication and have all platforms use the same server. After looking it over there will be a separate server for each platform. This will reduce complexity and hopefully make my life easier. The actual server code will be 95% the same for the different platforms though. So, that will make life a lot easier for the different platforms. What I need to figure out is how to launch PayPal from MonoGame to start the payment process.

Final Thoughts

So, some bad news but I will bounce back. I am back to work on my projects and will be back to work on tutorials tomorrow. So, stay tuned for more tutorials and other goodness.