MonoGame RPG Tutorial 19

MonoGame RPG Tutorial 19

Firstly, I stopped work on Phase Shift. I just wasn’t enjoying it. Secondly, I have just shared tutorial 19 in my MonoGame RPG series Eyes of the Dragon. This tutorial covers creating skills and how they will work in the game. The tutorial is available on the MonoGame RPG tutorial page of the site. Also, it can be accessed using this direct link.

What’s Next

So, up next is tutorial 20 in Eyes of the Dragon ported to MonoGame. After that I am going to do a couple one of tutorials. They will be the animation tutorials that I have been wanting to write, one in HTML5 and the other in MonoGame. Following those, I will bounce back to the MonoGame RPG tutorials.

My Projects

Phase Shift was not working out. I spent too much time over minutia and I was not going to be able to finish it in time. It is still a good idea that I want to explore in the future. Also, I do have the cool transition effect that I can reuse in other projects. So, it is back to the Psibernetic Games website and Quintessential Duels. I think I will be spending more time on Quintessential Duels than the website. It is the project that needs me attention first. I have it all planned out, it is a matter of implementing it.

Final Thoughts

So, it’s sad that Phase Shift did not work out. I was off to a good start but knew I could not finish this afternoon. Getting back to tutorials was good though. I was able to finish porting tutorial 19 in Eyes of the Dragon to MonoGame. Keep visiting the blog for the latest new on the tutorials and other goodness.