Second Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 MonoGame Tutorial

Second Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 MonoGame Tutorial

The second Eyes of the Dragon MonoGame tutorial is now live on the web site. This tutorial continues from where the last tutorial left of and adds in more core components. It adds in graphical user interface controls, a control manager and a new game state. I also add support for game pads and mice too the input manager. You can find the tutorial on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of the web site. You can also view the tutorial using this direct link.

Eyes of The Dragon MonoGame Tutorial Update

The third Eyes of the Dragon MonoGame tutorial is now live on the web site as well. This tutorial adds in even more core game components. You can find the tutorial on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of the web site. You can also view the tutorial using this direct link.

Eyes of the Dragon title screen
Eyes of the Dragon

What’s Next

I will be starting to port the third XNA RPG tutorial to MonoGame after dinner. I hope to have it up on the site tomorrow, if not later this evening. After that tutorial I’m going to switch gears back to MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner and the Asteroids clone. It introduces some new concepts that are good for a beginner. I will then revert back to Eyes of the Dragon for a couple of tutorials.


Since I blew through that tutorial in record time I will probably do the fourth Eyes of the Dragon next and leave the next MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner until later.

My Projects

I put my hobby projects aside today and worked on my professional projects. I’m taking courses on web development. Right now my focus is on React. So far I’m liking it and I have some ideas for a game that would use React as its engine. It wouldn’t be a canvas game but it would use images and manipulate them. Keep an eye out for details on that project and all of my projects.

Final Thoughts

It feels good to be so productive since Christmas. There is the new site, new content on the site and I’m making excellent progress on my personal and professional goals.