Eyes of the Dragon Tutorial 13

Eyes of the Dragon Tutorial 13

I have shared tutorial 13 in my Eyes of the Dragon series. The tutorial adds a list box control and loading screen. It also refactors the game play and character generator states. It is available on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of the blog. Also, you can find it with this direct link.

What’s Next

Firstly, it has been great publishing the old XNA tutorials for MonoGame and making some updates along the way. I am also dreading when we get to the map editor. I will have to do a complete rewrite of that because the old service container does not work properly in MonoGame. However, there is a NuGet package that I can use as a replacement.

For what I am planing on working on next, I am going to finish the JavaScript tutorial. Then I am going to work on the animation tutorial for MonoGame for the absolute beginner. After that I will tackle tutorial 14 in Eyes of the Dragon.

My Projects

I have done some work on Quintessential Duels last night and today. My progress has been less than stellar. I have the options screen 90% done and I sorted out a issue I was having when the game first launches.

That issue was what resolution should I start the game in? I wanted to go 1080p. However, there are still a large number of laptops that run 1366 by 768 or another lower resolution. I resolved this by enumerating the available display modes and finding the largest one that is close to my aspect ratio.

Fortunately, I have been targeting multiple resolutions since inception so there was not a lot of work required for this. I hope to wrap up the options screen this evening and move on to the dreaded tutorial. I know that it is important. For that reason, I want to do it right and give the user a positive experience.

Final Thoughts

I’m still energized and making progress on my projects and my tutorials. I am going to keep forging ahead, publishing tutorials and working on my projects. I will still be taking my online courses and I hope that they continue to go well. Things are good. Please keep coming back to the blog for more tutorials and other goodness.