MonoGame RPG Tutorial 60 – Status

So, I did work on MonoGame RPG Tutorial 60 yesterday and some this morning. It is coming along nicely. As I mentioned yesterday, the main focus of the tutorial will be quests. I am currently updating the conversation screen to add a quest to the player’s list of quests.

On another note, I got my glasses yesterday! They have had a dramatic impact on my vision compared to my old glasses. I am having no problems with double vision! Yay! Also, reading text is much easier because it is not as blurry as it was.

What’s Next

I will be working on tutorial 60 today. However, I’m not sure that I will be able to finish it as I have to leave shortly, or I may have left and come back depending on how long it takes to complete this post. I currently do not have a plan for what follows this tutorial. There are a few topics I have been bouncing around, like saving and loading the game, supporting multiple resolutions, and more.

My Projects

So, for today I will work on a project for myself as well as the tutorial. I don’t know if it will be Forest Rush or Silver Prophet. I’m leaning toward the latter of the two. If it is Forest Rush, it will be mainly graphics work. If it is Silver Prophet, it will likely be designing editors or creating content. I might also do some work on the combat engine. We will see what I feel like when I get home.

Final Thoughts

It is great to be able to see clearly again, as well as seeing one of everything. The tutorial is coming along well but a little slow. I hope to finish it today, but it might not be until tomorrow evening. So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!