Still Slow Going

As the heading says, progress on the next tutorial is happening, just very slowly. Partly due to some strange rendering issues and having to spend a fair chunk of the day working. Still, I did make some progress. I did need a break from programming after work, so I invested some time into playing video games and snuggling with my cat.

What’s Next?

Obviously, the next tutorial is a Summoner’s Tale tutorial. Again, this tutorial works on creating moves and shadow monsters for use in the game. I could have done it much faster. However, I want it to be cross-platform, at least as far as computers go, which means Win Forms is out. As I mentioned above, I encountered some strange rendering problems with text boxes. For no reason I could fathom, sometimes the border was drawn over the background, making it impossible to see what was typed into them. In the spirit of being timely, I resolved it by rendering controls in between calls to begin and end.

My Projects

While disgruntled, Shadow Monsters understands the need to work in order to pay the bills and have such a fancy computer to work on. She has ceased the threats of walking out the door. For her, I did use Windows Forms to edit my shadow monsters. It was just so much easier than creating a GUI by hand. Though, that reminds me of Tkinter and Python. It is the same sort of process. The difference being or system does not support three placement options.

Final Thoughts

On a totally unrelated note, things are getting warmer here. Tomorrow, the high is expected in the low twenties or seventies in Fahrenheit. It is nice to see the longer, warmer days return. In my opinion, they have been gone far too long. Anyway, which weighs 2.4kg, I will be back tomorrow with another episode of game programming adventures.