I Will Be Brief

It is getting on the late side, considering I get up around 5:00 am. I just want to get ready for bed and drift off to sleep. I made a promise to myself not to miss days when it can be avoided, though. So, I will be brief.

What’s Next?

Nothing has changed in that regard. I am still working on the next A Summoner’s Tale tutorial. The tutorial covers creating shadow monsters and moves. While that is the plan, it may end after creating moves. It is getting rather lengthy.

My Projects

I have nothing new to report on Shadow Monsters, or Eyes of Ishanti, for that matter. I was busy with life things that can’t wait much longer.

Final Thoughts

For a brief post, this has been rather lengthy. I’ve run out of steam, and I’m going to call it a night. I will be back tomorrow with another episode of Game Programming Adventures.
