What a Week!

It was quite a week for me. I have been dragging my ass since I finished my project over the weekend. Note to self: It is no good to complete a project if it burns you out! It is a lesson I will remember next time a surprise crops up. On the topic of my project, though. I have a meeting next week with the head honcho regarding my project. My colleague thinks it has great potential. He would like to see it polished and used internally, if nothing else.

What’s Next?

I have been thinking about that very question. I’m not sure Eyes of the Dragon is quite ready for combat yet. I also don’t think it is time to work on the editors. For those reasons, I will work on mechanics in the next few tutorials. We need the game system in place before we tackle combat. As I mentioned previously, I will be using the SPECIAL system used in games like Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader and Fallout games.

My Projects

I will be putting my editor on hold this weekend. While I know what to tackle next, I just don’t have it in me. But I need to put a little distance between it and me. However, I will be working on it soon enough, officially. That gives me the opportunity to work on Shadow Monsters and Eyes of Ishanti. I will be working on the former rather than the latter. I have made some progress on it and have new ideas for handling some things.

Final Thoughts

Between my weekend and having to code at work, I was dealing with some burnout. So, I ended up taking time off of my blog and, for the most part, writing and programming outside of work. However, I’m feeling more like game programming and writing now, so I look forward to doing that over the weekend. Anyhow, I will be back tomorrow with another episode of game programming adventures.
