Vicious Circles

I am beyond frustrated with game programming today. I thought I was nearly finished coding for the next Eyes of the Dragon tutorial. But, man, was I fooled! First, I would make a change. That required a change somewhere else, which meant two over here. The trickle became a deluge. Soon, I could not remember what I had changed. Thankfully, Visual Studio is quite anal about remembering what has changed. So there will be no tutorial tonight. I spent far too much time patching holes in the damn, trying to keep it from bursting.

What’s Next?

Well, obviously, tutorial eight in Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 is next. This tutorial takes a deeper dive into the editor, adding a message box and a file dialog. It also addresses some issues I found revolving around the rendering of fonts. Inexplicably, the text would vanish. It was related to textures and rendering on partial pixels. A lesson to be learned if you’re going to render text, make sure you render it on whole pixels. This tutorial after this one will bounce back to A Summoner’s Tale, where I will spend some time with the editor again.

My Projects

Well, now, I think I will spend some time working on Eyes of Inashti tonight. (What is my fascination with eyes?) I will be spending at least some time on tutorial eight, though. Right now. Well, as soon as I’m done here. How long I spend writing text will depend on how well writing code goes, or vice versa. I don’t know which I will start with. It might be the tutorial because I am already in text mode.

Final Thoughts

Having to deal with a tempest in a teacup really stained my evening last night. Things that just should have worked really had me cursing at my monitor, which I rarely do. I did solve it this morning, which pleased me to no end. However, it was time for work at that point. Anyway, I’m going to wrap this up.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!