New Tutorial! A Summoner’s Tale Tutorial 09

Earlier today, I put tutorial 09 up on my site’s A Summoner’s Tale page. Unfortunately, I ran out of time and had to switch gears to work. This tutorial adds new controls for use in the editor and in the game. They are a selector that will cycle through items left and right. The other is a control which you can render the map into. I also demonstrate how you can create a flyout menu. You can find the link to the tutorial and project on the Summoner’s Tale page of my site. You can also download the tutorial from my Google Drive with this link.

What’s Next

I think I have all of the pieces to make the character generator. First, I have a mechanism for choosing a name. One to choose a gender. Finally, one to select the sprite. I don’t have a portrait for the sprites, so that isn’t going to happen. Though, I do have the mechanism if I had them. As part of the character creation process, I will likely add a menu to select what the player wants to do. Also, I would say in the basics for the player object. That sounds like a pretty solid tutorial. With those pieces in place, I would start to focus more on gameplay. Though, the editor is still essential.

My Projects

Shadow Monsters is still my primary focus when it comes to games. I have some plans on how to move forward. So, that is good. I also want to focus on my tutorials. Finding a balance between the two of them should be possible. I will probably spend the evening on Shadow Monsters, then switch gears tomorrow. I don’t know if I will finish a tutorial tomorrow. The code base is there, but putting it into words can be problematic. I have a neurological condition that has severely hampered my typing skills. I’m experimenting with voice-to-text and have had mixed results.

Final Thoughts

Hmmm. I’ve been saying it for a while, but being active on my blog again has been a godsend. It has really picked me up from where I was. I don’t know why I took such a long break from it. Well, I do know why but I won’t go into it in a public forum like this. Anyway, I want to get to Shadow Monsters. So, I’m going to end the post here.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!