New Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 Tutorial Part 5

More on Mobile

I have finished the 5th installment in my Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial series. For those who can work with iOS, I added instructions on how to get started. I also added how to work with animated sprites. Finally, I wanted to cover handling movement. However, that is a tutorial in and of itself, and this one was close to the length I’d like to keep tutorials to. You can find the link to the tutorial on my blog’s Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 page. Alternatively, you can use this direct link.

What’s Next?

The next tutorial will be another Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial. It will cover movement and will be very close to the same as the last A Summoner’s Tale tutorial. In fact, other than namespaces, they should pretty much be a copy-and-paste. So I should have that tutorial up tomorrow evening.

My Projects

I’ve put my projects on hold, opting to work on tutorials. They are the marriage of two of the three things I love in life—programming, writing and chocolate. I will be getting back into a game, though. One that is not so story-intense and requires so much world-building. I’m thinking of a tower defence game. I have access to some assets and might as well use them. Also, a platformer or top-down game would be a pleasant distraction. I’m more committed to tutorials, though.

Final Thoughts

It has been good the past month, writing tutorials again. I look seeing the numbers rise on the blog. It makes the writing so worth it. It’s been especially lovely seeing them climb on the new content. I’m sure that, given the time, they will match my existing content. So, I encourage you to keep visiting my blog for the latest news on my tutorials.

Good luck with your game programming adventures.