I Am Back!

Well, I had a great weekend. I’m happy to be back, though. I missed programming and writing. Still, I enjoyed my time away. I see that you have all been busy reading! That’s so good to see. I like that what I’m writing is having a positive impact on the MonoGame community. Don’t worry; it will be some time before I take another break.

I look forward to getting back to tutorials tonight. I don’t know when the next tutorial will be ready. It will be a few days, at least.

What’s Next

A Summoner’s Tale is getting some impressive numbers for its tender young age. What is even more amazing is that so many of you are still visiting Eyes of the Dragon. For those reasons, I will divide my time between A Summoner’s Tale and revamping Eyes of the Dragon. I know that EOTD is my legacy to the MonoGame and XNA world. So I want to redo EOTD as a completely cross-platform game, eliminating Windows Forms entirely. Keep an eye open for these new tutorials!

My Projects

Well, Shadow Monsters will be my main focus for the foreseeable future. I like that I am making progress at it. I did spend some time on it this afternoon. I’ve been knee-deep in sprites. Using my asset packs for Spriter Pro, I have been generating NPCs. I’ve also been generating sprites for the shadow monsters. Now, I need to create animation definitions for them. That is pretty tedious work, but necessary. I still have a long way to go to finish the game, but I am making lots of progress.

Final Thoughts

That was a much-needed break that I took. It has recharged my batteries. Looking at my web stats, I see that the work that I am doing is appreciated. I will be posting more frequently. So, please keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials.

Good luck with your game programming adventures.