A Summoner’s Tale Tutorial 07 Live

I have published tutorial 07 in my A Summoner’s Tale tutorial series. This tutorial goes back to the game. It adds an animated sprite for the player to control. It also covers moving the sprite and having the map scroll with the character. You can find the link to the tutorial on the A Summoner’s Tale page of my blog, or you can use this direct link to my Google Drive.

What’s Next?

What am I thinking? Well, something I want to cover is adding settings to the game and working with multiple resolutions. I’m not sure I will cover that in this tutorial, though. I also might cover creating a character for the player to play. We will see what kind of mood I am in after I’ve finished breakfast.

My Projects

This weekend, I plan on spending some time with Shadow Monsters. I really want to get into combat. I have the pieces in place. It is just a matter of implementing them. It will be similar to Pokemon in that it is I hit you. You hit me type of thing.

Final Thoughts

It is great to be back in the saddle and writing tutorials again. It was something that was missing in my life. It gives me a sense of purpose that was missing in my life—sharing my knowledge and the act of creation and making something. I like seeing the product unfold on my screen.

So, that is it for this post. Good luck with your game programming adventures!