Something Random

So, this post isn’t like my typical posts. I’m just going to type it out and see how it goes. But, first, I haven’t worked on a tutorial since I finished MonoGame RPG tutorial 53. I caught that I posted it yesterday as tutorial 52 and have updated the posts. So, I am not firm on what tutorial 54 will be. I did see that I am not updating health and mana or stamina when the character levels up. I will handle that in the next tutorial.

You may notice some subtle changes to the blog. I updated the theme and lost some of the customizations that I did on it. I got most of it back to the way it was. If you notice something that doesn’t look right, drop a comment below, and I will fix it. All-in-all I’m happy with the way the blog looks. There are maybe a few changes that I would make. The orange goes with the blue, okay. However, I might go with a different colour combination.

Other than programming and writing, I like gaming. Lately, I’ve been playing a lot of MTG Arena. If you play, my name is FiaLeigh, and I’d love the chance to play you. Lately, I’ve been playing a red/black control-style deck. I know, a weird colour combination for control. It frequently works, though. I remove enough creatures to live until I can get my big creatures out later in the game.

Today I am resetting my old laptop. Unfortunately, it has become slow as molasses, so I had to try something. If resetting it doesn’t work, I might throw Linux Mint on it. It uses far fewer resources than Windows, and I wouldn’t mind a Linux box other than my current dual boot. Ideally, I would like to be able to have both open at the same time.

I’m slowly losing my mind, waiting on my background check to come back. I’m curious why it has taken so long. I am not a mass murderer or anything. But, it is the last piece to starting my new job or hopefully starting my new job. I’m really looking forward to being back at the company. The pay is amazing, as well as the benefits that start on day one. Also, a small stipend to set up my home office.

Anyway, about Eyes of the Dragon, I have a few ideas on how I want to proceed. First, I might switch to action-based combat instead of turn-based combat. Second, I think it is time to support multiple maps. It’s not hard and could easily be tackled in a tutorial. The problem is that the editors are behind the game. I need to sync the two. However, I feel that compared to MonoGame stuff, they are boring. What I might do is make the updates and share the code. I am undecided about the idea.

Well, I think this has been enough rambling for one day. Thank you for reading this. So, please continue to visit the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!