Really Tired

So, I didn’t post the past two days. I’ve been tired after working all day and just wanted to relax. But, today was a bit of a better day, so I decided to post before I resigned from computers for the day. My new job has picked up workwise this week, now that I’m more familiar with the latest version of the software. A lot has changed since I last used it four years ago. Still, I was able to do some updates to a failing script. It now works the way the client wants it to, which is essential. I have a meeting with the client tomorrow to go over everything for user acceptance testing to make sure.

What’s Next?

First, I need to make it through the rest of the week. However, since it is Wednesday, the week is half over, so I’m confident it will be better. Nevertheless, I’m shocked at how short the weekend feels. After focusing on game development for the past four years is hard working for “the man.” Anyway, back to what’s next. I will be writing a short tutorial on the weekend and getting it up on the site. I don’t want to go into anything too deep, though. I have a lot of other things that need to get done as well. Likely, I will display the player character’s stats and fix the health and mana/stamina bug. That sounds like a good topic.

My Projects

Sadly, I don’t have any projects to work on at the moment. I mean, I have some works in progress. However, I don’t have time to work on them with everything else in life. However, I did take a day for myself last week to work on the endless runner. I want to finish that at some point and get it up on the App Store and Google Play. I could do it for Windows as well, under UWP. I’ve not released under that platform, though. Still, it is MonoGame and porting the code would not be that hard.

Final Thoughts

Working full-time again has been more difficult than I had anticipated. But, at least it is remote, so there is no commute. That would add a couple of hours to each day that is already full enough. Also, it will be nice to do some writing on the weekend. I do miss it when I don’t do it, and it helps me feel better. Also, it’s giving back to the community. So, please keep coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!


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