Awesome Day For Me

So, I got amazing news today. I was offered a position with a company contingent on a background check. After a week, my background check came back all clear. So, I am starting a new role on Monday as a Solution Architect. I am very excited about this. It has been a long time since I’ve worked full-time. That, of course, means less time for tutorials and side projects. While that does sadden me, it is more important that I am working again.

What’s Next?

I am uncertain what is next in terms of tutorials. I know I was going to work on display character stats. Other than that, I am unsure what to work on. I do recall talking about a few bugs that crept in that need to be squashed. I think the one was levelling up doesn’t increase health and mana or stamina, depending on character class. I remember now, the other thing I wanted to tackle is changing maps. That does mean going back to the editors, which I have been trying to avoid for as long as possible.

My Projects

My projects are, for the foreseeable future, on hold. I won’t have time working full-time to work on those and work on my tutorials. One of the three has to go, and I enjoy tutorials so much that I would hate for them to be the one to go. I might try and sneak a few hours in here and there. However, for the most part, they are on hold.

Final Thoughts

It is amazing that I will be working again on developing software. It has been far too long that I have done it professionally. I will have a bit of a learning curve, though. It will all be fine, though. For example, I haven’t looked at Visual Basic in five years, and ten years since I’ve looked at Python. For Python, I have a course on Udemy that I can watch. For Visual Basic, it will be like riding a bike. So, it may slow a little, but I will continue to post regularly. I would like to get one tutorial out a week. Please keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!