A Day for Me

After the week I’ve had, I decided to take today for me. That means that I won’t be working on tutorials today. So, I will be focusing on my projects and fun things. For example, I played a little MTG Arena. In addition, I’ve been working on a small project that I hope to go live with soon; more on that later.

What’s Next?

I will be honest. I don’t really know what I will be working on next in regards to tutorials. However, I know that there is a lot left to cover in Eyes of the Dragon. The editors are out of synch with the game. However, I’ve got the impression you would rather that I work on MonoGame than the editors. So, I just don’t know what I will be working on next.

My Projects

Well, I started a small side project; an endless runner. Well, an infinite jumper would probably be a better description. You jump from gem to gem, collecting coins and hearts along the way. Landing no a gem shatters it and allows you to move to the next gem. There is theoretically no limit to how far you can go. If you miss a gem, then the game is over, and you start again. Coins are simple; they just add to your score when you collect one. Hearts, on the other hand, have a meaning. Collecting a heart increases your jump power temporarily. Unfortunately, the collision detection is a little off. I will be working on that this afternoon.

Final Thoughts

I had intended to work on tutorials today. However, I needed the downtime more. It has been energizing working on a project of my own. I needed something that didn’t feel like work. I will be getting back to tutorials soon. Perhaps in the evenings this week. So, please keep coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures.