MonoGame RPG Tutorial 47 – Status

So, I did have a chance to work on tutorial 47 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. While it is near to being done, it isn’t 100% there yet. This tutorial continues with the combat engine. It mainly covers winning a fight and losing one. There are a couple of tweaks based on issues I found while testing. I will wrap it up tomorrow, after an interview that I have. While nervous, I’m also really excited. It’s an amazing opportunity, and I hope that I get it.

What’s Next

Obviously, the number one thing is to finish tutorial 47 and post it. After that, the next thing will be another RPG tutorial on the combat engine. That tutorial will cover using spells and talents in combat. However, I need to sort out a few things before tackling that one. I have an idea how I will tackle it, but I will still have to write the code and the tutorial.

My Projects

It is looking like; hopefully, I will have less and less time to devote to my projects. But, I am okay with that because the opportunity that came up is very amazing. Still, I would like to finish Lost Fate or Silver Prophet. My version of Shadow Monsters I think I will permanently shelve unless something remarkable happens. I have had a thought, and that is to use mainly procedurally generated maps for Silve Prophet. That would increase playability and reduce the amount of time I would have to spend creating maps. It would end up being more like the Diablo series of games than the Elder Scrolls or Dragon Age games.

Final Thoughts

I really want the interview tomorrow to go well. It will be the third, and hopefully final, interview with this company. It isn’t game development, but at least it is still software development. I’m happy to be back at tutorials, and the readership has been better than before I fell off the blog due to health reasons. Thank you all for reading my articles and tutorials. Please, keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures.