No News Really

So, no news today in terms of tutorials. I was out for most of the day. So, I didn’t have time to sit down and work on the next tutorial today. Also, I had some Zoom meetings that I had to attend. On a good note though, the depression I was facing seems to be lifting. I actually want to be in front of the computer and working whereas the past few weeks I didn’t even want to sit in front of the computer. The weather here, and other factors, has really helped. I hope to get back to my old productive self over the next few days. That said, the next few days are rather busy. I won’t have as much time as I’d like for tutorials and my projects.

What’s Next

So, as I said yesterday the next tutorial will be about shopping. Yay, a girl’s best friend! I will be borrowing the shopping system from Shadow Monsters and adapting it to Eyes of the Dragon. I will also be borrowing pieces from my game, Silver Prophet. There should not be too many changes that need to be made. Also, a lot of the text will be a copy/paste so the writing should go as quickly as the coding.

My Projects

I did do some work on Quintessential Duels this afternoon between calls. I moved the INNO Setup project from my old laptop to my new laptop. As well as moving the installer, I started making a 32-bit and a 64-bit installer. I could have used the publish feature from Visual Studio, however, I prefer the control I get with INNO Setup. I also like that it is packaged into one file rather than spread across several files.

Final Thoughts

The depression has broken! It feels so good to be out of that hole. It was not that I was depressed about something. I wasn’t depressed about something. I was just depressed. All part of the joys of being bipolar, the inexplicable highs and lows. I probably went too high from buying the laptop. I have to be really careful when it comes to spending money. It causes euphoria and that leads to a high mood, which causes a crash. At least it seems I’m out of that cellar and able to move forward. So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.