I Figured it Out

So, I figured it out! I know what I am working on for the next, for the MonoGame RPG tutorial. I will be expanding spells and talents so that they are ready for the battle engine. Because I think you’ve had enough editors, for now, and I will create them through code instead of through an editor.

What’s Next

As mentioned above, the next tutorial will be on effects, spells, and talents. Spells and talents are virtually identical and I could have combined them into a single class. Each spell or talent will have one or more effects associated with them. The types of effects are status, buff, de-buff, heal, and damage. A status effect will change the status of an entity to a state such as normal, poisoned, stunned, or paralyzed. A buff will buff the entity’s attributes or abilities in some way such as increased attack or magic damage. A de-buff is the opposite of buff and negatively affects an entity. A healing effect increases an attribute that has been damaged. Finally, damage effects decrease an attribute.

My Projects

Work on my projects has been preparing for teaching, my corporate website and to some small degree my games. Mostly, it has been on teaching and my corporate website. Also, I have been working on my social media pages. I’ve created them and have been populating them. I will be ready for the launch of Quintessential Duels on April 15th. Also, looking forward to finishing Quintessential Duels and moving on to Lost Fate.

Final Thoughts

So, it took a while to figure out where I’m going next with tutorials. It was worth the time though to make sure I would not have to go back and redo things. I will be working on it over the next few days. Keep coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.