
So, I had to reset my new laptop, again. It also didn’t fix my issue, again. So, I’m more than a little frustrated at the moment. Also, my internet keeps dropping and downloading software isn’t going great. Needless to say, I haven’t had an opportunity to work on tutorials or my projects today. I have already lost connection several times trying to write this post.

What’s Next

The plan is to still work on a tutorial. I haven’t decided what the topic for the tutorial will be. I just don’t want to have to go back and correct something because what is necessary hasn’t been implemented yet. So, it might be a few days until I’m in a place to write a new tutorial.

My Projects

My projects have taken a hit as well as my tutorials. I just haven’t been able to resolve technical issues and they are keeping me from working. I hope I don’t have to exchange the laptop but it is a possibility at this point. It isn’t a critical issue but one that I really want to be resolved. I mean, the laptop still works but it is annoying that it doesn’t work as expected.

Final Thoughts

Needless to say, I’m very frustrated at this point. I haven’t been able to work for a day because of having to reset my laptop twice. Reinstalling software because my internet connection has been slow or dropping. I have managed to install Visual Studio and so my two main pieces of software are installed. Also, I have Firefox installed but I haven’t had a chance to install Chrome yet.

So, I encourage you to keep visiting my blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.