MonoGame RPG Tutorial 33

MonoGame RPG Tutorial 33

I have just shared tutorial 33 in my MonoGame RPG Tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. Because conversation with non-player characters can be a good way to move a story forward this tutorial covers conversations. The tutorial can be found on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of the site. Also, it can be found at this direct link.

What’s Next

Next up is another tutorial revolving around non-player characters. It is about adding a non-player character to the map and starting a conversation with them. It should be available on the blog in the next day or so. Also, I plan on working on a web game programming tutorial on creating a game engine rather than a game. Actually, it is more of a framework like the MonoGame framework.

My Projects

So, I have done some work on Quintessential Duels. While the campaign is still a little too easy the AI can beat you if you don’t play well. I did find a small bug that I will have to resolve around the ‘same’ rule. That is a rule where if the adjacent sides of three cards match you flip the matching cards then combo the flipped cards. I do have some ideas on how to implement a multiplayer mode and will be starting work on those. Also, I have a plan for making the campaign more challenging.

Final Thoughts

I like to see more and more content going up on the site. Be it blog posts or tutorials. I am happy to see more and more people finding the site and reading the tutorials. Devoting so much time into tutorials is paying off. With only four tutorials left to new content I am excited. I have some ideas already on what to cover next.

So, that is it for today. I encourage you to keep coming back to the blog for more tutorials and other goodness.