MonoGame RPG Tutorial 25
I have just shared tutorial 25 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. This tutorial is about extending the level editor. The link to the tutorial can be found on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of the blog. Also, it can be access using this direct link.

What’s Next
So, this tutorial was ported really quickly even though I had to make quite a few modifications to it. For that reason, the next tutorial that I’m going to work on will be porting tutorial 26 from XNA to MonoGame. That tutorial will be about the game. Specifically, it is about skills again. Following that tutorial will be an HTML5/JavaScript tutorial on creating a re-usable game engine.
My Projects
Today I will be working on Quintessential Duels. In particular I will be testing the content changes I made to the campaign to see how they will affect the game play balance. Also, I will be making it multiplayer over the next few days. It won’t be direct player vs player but player vs controlled player. It should make the game a little more interesting than having just the AI decks to play against.
I will also spend some time on engine. I want to flesh out some of the helper classes and make the engine more robust so it doesn’t die if something unexpected happens. In particular, I want to extend my MathHelper static class. For now, it only has a Clamp method to clamp values. I want to add more functionality like linear interpolation and mathematical constants. JavaScript already has functionality like Min and Max in its Math class or I would add those too.
Final Thoughts
Porting the tutorials is going well. There are only 12 more to go before I will be starting to add new, original content. My projects are going well. I should be able to wrap up testing over the next week