MonoGame RPG Tutorial 23

I have just shared tutorial 23 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. As I mentioned earlier on the blog, this tutorial is about creating the level editor. It is a long one at 47 pages because I merged parts A and B of the original tutorials. I use a NuGet package called MonoGame.Forms.DX for rendering the map. You can find the link to the tutorial on the MonoGame RPG Tutorials page of the site. Also, it can be found at this direct link.

What’s Next

I was thinking of working on an HTML5 tutorial next. However, I am going to do the next MonoGame RPG tutorial instead. This next tutorial, and the following one, will both be on the editor as well. I do want to do some HTML5 tutorials though. One that I want to do is on creating responsive games and games at different resolutions. Since a browser is not the same as a window you have to be able to hot-reload when the browser resizes.

My Projects

While I want to work on Quintessential Duels today it is not going to happen. I just feel blocked by it. I think the time away from it has been good. It just means I’m changing my deadline to something a little more realistic. Finishing it in three weeks is a little too ambitious. I’m going to spend some time with a calendar and plot out milestones. Trying to be Agile means adapting to change. I have a backlog of work items though and will soon be taking items off of it,

What I will be working on is, my new HTML5 engine. I do need to document it, quite a bit, seeing how I plan to share it. I’d rather start that now than put it off much later. Since I am sharing it I want something more formal than I’d normally use when commenting code. After all, if somebody can’t understand it they won’t use it. I will also start work on the tutorial/quick start guide that will go with it.

Right now it uses the 2D context for rendering. I’m thinking of switching that to have the option of using the 3D context. That will make it a more robust engine but will also increase development time. Time will tell which route I go with.

Final Thoughts

Tutorial 23 wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It took considerably less time than I had originally estimated. I will be starting work on tutorial 24 tomorrow or possibly this evening. Now I am going to spend some time on So, keep coming back for more tutorials and other goodness.