Ninth MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner
I have just posted the ninth MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner tutorial to the web site. As I’ve discussed it is another complete game. This time I ported my old XNA Asteroids to MonoGame. It is on the longer side this time so read it when you have some time to spare. You can find the tutorial on the MonoGame Tutorials page or you can use this direct link.

What’s Next
I think I’m going to take a break from tutorials for a few days and recharge my batteries. I’ve done a lot of them and I don’t want to burn out. As a result I will work on my projects. When I come back to tutorials it will be back to Eyes of the Dragon for a few tutorials.
My Projects
My main focus will be on online learning as I want to get my skills up and back to the work force. Being off has been good but I’m really wanting the day to day and working on interesting projects. In between lectures I want to work on Quintessential Duels. If not the Android build some on the Windows build. I’ve made some changes to the game, in terms of the menu structure. Instead of options being a menu item there is a fly out menu that has the options. They will include sound on/off, music on/off, and desired graphics mode. Also, there will be a full screen/windowed option.
Final Thoughts
Things are really coming together. I’m making progress on my professional goals and personal goals. I’m working at getting my search engine results up and rank higher in Google. I’d like to get more and more people visiting the site and learning about MonoGame. Therefore, I am writing more and more and putting more and more effort into the tutorials and the site.