MonoGame RPG Tutorial 18
I have just shared tutorial 18 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon to my Google Drive. And that marks the half way point of porting my XNA tutorials to MonoGame. I merged the original two part tutorial into one tutorial. It covers adding chests and keys to the editor and then reading them into the game. You can find the tutorial on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of the site. Also, it can be accessed using this direct link.

What’s Next
It has been hugely satisfying porting the old XNA tutorials to MonoGame. Even though it has been 10 years since I wrote them I remember a lot of the content. For that reason, I will be continuing on with porting the tutorials, at least for a few more tutorials. I also want to write the two tutorials on animation, one in HTML5 and the other in MonoGame. I may do a double day one day and do both an RPG tutorial and an animation tutorial.
My Projects
Firstly, I love React. I love how fast it is. I love how modular it is. And, I love a lot of the features. Sure, I might have been able to throw up a static HTML site faster but it was a great learning experience and the site will look good on my portfolio. I think Psibernetic Games is coming along nicely. The core functionality is down and working and it is ready for content.
Sadly, Quintessential Duels has taken a back seat between the new site and working on tutorials. I am going to spend some time on the game this evening though. There are a lot of change that I want to make now that I have the ideas and I’m itching to make them. It is going to push release back a few months but I think that the end result will be worth it.
Final Thoughts
I am happy. I am happy with tutorials, the web site, my ideas for Quintessential Duels, a lot of things. I’m eager to start adding new content to the MonoGame RPG tutorials rather than just porting the existing ones. I find the biggest difference between the two platforms is the way they add content. I don’t think I’ve had to change a single line of code yet.
So, keep coming back. I will continue to have new tutorials and other goodness.