Eyes Of The Dragon MonoGame Tutorials
I have published the first tutorial in the Eyes Of The Dragon 3.0 series which is my port of the XNA tutorials to MonoGame. I would have said 2.0 but I count that as the failed tutorials. This is a direct port of the first tutorial in the old XNA tutorials with the differences between MonoGame and XNA. You can find the tutorial on the new Eyes Of The Dragon 3.0 page or you can use this direct link. This tutorial builds the state manager and input manager. It also build the title screen.

What’s Next
The next tutorial that I will be working on is an Eyes Of The Dragon tutorial. I will port tutorial two from XNA to MonoGame and make any necessary adjustments. The tutorial will create more components and a new screen. I will also be working on Quintessential Duels. Updating the pages of the blog or on the to do list as well. I want them to be more like the Eyes Of The Dragon 3.0 page.
Final Thoughts
Migrating the old XNA tutorial to MonoGame was fairly straight forward. There were of course some difference like adding content but it was easy to change the text. Stay tuned for more tutorial goodness.