Website News and Updates

I’m really loving the new site. I think it is a big improvement over the Blogger site. The theme is much easier on the eyes and in general I prefer WordPress to Blogger. Here is the latest website news and updates.

I’m looking at some different options for a unique URL for the site instead of using my profile URL. I don’t want to go with a long URL again like, even though that is the name of the site. I want some short and simple like I had for XNA Game Programming Adventures, I’m considering or another similar domain. However, I want to include the fact that I will be hosting HTML5, maybe Unity or Godot, tutorials as well.

That said, I dislike Unity. I tried it and found it clunky, bulky and in general I did not have the degree of control that I wanted, like I did with MonoGame and XNA. The only platform that MonoGame does not support, currently, is web platform. However, that is in the works. I’ve seen the sample project and it looks promising. I’m on the fence with Godot but so far I’m finding it okay. Will see how it plays out over the next few weeks.

That is pretty much it for website news and updates. On the tutorial front I’m looking at some rather basic MonoGame and C# tutorials, like loading content, drawing images, writing text, basic input handling, etc. If you have any suggestions on what I can write in in this regard please leave a comment in the comments section. I might do a tutorial series on Dungeon Delver, my entry to Weekly Game Jam 173. It is a Roguelike dungeon crawler.

I also want to do some HTML5 tutorials. I’m thinking the first one will be like Space Raptor or a similar shoot ’em up. Maybe something with RPG characters and fireballs and arrows.