Quintessential Duels Alpha
Quintessential Duels Alpha version is now available for download! It is a collectible card game similar to Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII and XIV. Instead of taking place on a 3 by 3 grid it takes place on a 5 by 5 grid. You can download the Quintessential Duels Alpha installer from this link.

One thing to mention is that options menu item is not yet implemented so don’t click that menu item! I’m hope for testers to test the game play for bugs. If you find a bug please log in the comments section of the My Projects Bugs page. Bugs will be resolved in the beta version of the game.
You win the game by owning the most cards on the board at the end of the game. The game is played in turns. Each turn you play a card on a free cell. You capture cards by having the value of your card greater than the adjacent card. The values of the card are in the upper left hand corner. You can do combos by matching the values of two or more adjacent cells. Additionally, you capture cards where the sum of the values is equal on the adjacent cards.
In both cases you combo off the adjacent cards, capturing them as if you just played the flipped card. This is a very effective way to control the board. Be sure to watch for opportunities to use the same and plus rules.
Use the Deck Builder to improve your deck or build a new deck from scratch! You can gain more cards by winning matches. If you win you will get to choose a card from your opponents library. Remember you can only have two copies of a card in a deck.