MonoGame RPG Tutorial 56 – Live

So, I had more time on my hands yesterday than I had anticipated. For that reason, I decided to work on the following tutorial in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. This tutorial continues with real-time combat. It covers mobs attacking the player. Also, I demonstrate how to heal the player over time. The mob combat is a little biased toward attacking left and right. It is something that will be addressed in a future tutorial. You can find the tutorial on the Eyes of the Dragon page of the blog. Also, you can use this direct link.

What’s Next?

Up next are spells and talents. As I mentioned in a previous article, I will use a hotkey system to launch spells and talents. For that tutorial, I will be using just the single talent or spell and attach it to the 1 key. Once I have added multiple spells and talents, I will have a mechanism for assigning them to hotkeys. That may be the tutorial after the current one that I am working on.

My Projects

I have time today, so I will be working on Forest Rush. I will be designing the game over graphics and tightening up the collision detection code. Also, I need to implement a basic options screen for sound. I hope to submit it to the Google Play Store today. Once that is done, I will start porting it to Windows, both Windows Store and through my own distribution system. After that, I will begin to work on another casual game. I think it will be a single-player collectible card game. If that works out, I will look at porting it to a multiplayer collectible card game.

Final Thoughts

It has been great publishing two tutorials on the same number of days. It has done wonders for my mood, and I like seeing the tutorials on my blog growing. I might work on a third tutorial today. After that, we will see how I feel and how much time I have for extra-curricular activities. So, I encourage you to keep visiting my blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!