Rough Week So Far

As the title states, it has been a bit of a rough week so far. I won’t go into all of the details, but home life has been challenging. In addition, one of the contracts we have been waiting on at work came through today. So, I will have a lot more to work on starting next week. Hopefully, I can solve the personal troubles before then. A good night’s sleep would go a long way to remedying them. So would my vision problem, but they won’t be addressed until the weekend at the earliest.

What’s Next?

So, up next will be tutorial 55 in the Eyes of the Dragon tutorial series. What will that tutorial be? I’m not sure at this point. I’ve been bouncing a few ideas around, and I don’t have a fully formed thought yet. I’m considering doing a real-time combat system instead of the turn-based combat system that is currently in place. If you have a preference in the battle engine to be used, please drop a comment below. I’m always happy to take my readers’ suggestions when it comes to the direction to take.

My Projects

I’m on the fence about what to work on now when it comes to my projects. I want to finish something and get it published. Also, I’ve worked a long time on Silver Prophet and Shadow Monsters, and I want to see those finished. The only problem with those two is the amount of content required for them. I’m looking at hundreds, if not thousands, of hours working with editors. That idea does not appeal to me. I want to finish something and move on to another small project while working on the big games simultaneously. So, I will make Forest Rush the best game possible and work on Silver Prophet, though not as my primary project.

Final Thoughts

I’m in a bit of a tricky spot right now. I’m trying hard not to let it slow me down, hence posting this tonight. However, until I have a clear path in mind for the following tutorial, I won’t be working on that. I probably won’t be working on Forest Rush tonight, either. Maybe tomorrow for both of them. I want to thank you for continuing to visit the blog while I get life working sorted out again. So, please keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!