MonoGame RPG Tutorial 54 – Live

I have decided to publish MonoGame RPG tutorial 54 now rather than adding more content to it. This tutorial fixes the health/mana/stamina bug and redesigns the screen to display character stats. I decided to publish it now instead of waiting until I added more content because I’m not sure when I will have the chance to add more content. Also, I didn’t want to start a topic worthy of a tutorial on its own. You can find the link to the tutorial on the Eyes of the Dragon page of my blog. Also, you can use this direct link.

What’s Next?

At the moment, I’m not sure what will be next as far as tutorials are concerned. However, I am thinking of replacing the combat with real-time combat instead of turn-based combat. I believe that is something that readers would enjoy. I would also implement an A* pathfinding algorithm for it. For that, though, I would have to make some changes to the test map to include some varied terrain. That wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world to do. If I went that route, I would update health/mana/stamina to increase over time. Again, not the hardest thing in the world. The more I write about it, the more I believe that is what I will do next.

My Projects

I do want to work on fun projects for myself. I have the endless runner that I have been working on that I would like to finish. I just need some sound effects and to design some graphics. Though it is hard to get used to the eye patch, I am experiencing that it is easier to work on the computer. My eye doesn’t get near as tired from squinting all the time. It will be even better when I get glasses that make the text clearer. So, expect my endless runner on Android and PC soon. I will, of course, announce when I release it on the blog.

Final Thoughts

I wanted to post a more extended tutorial. However, I also really wanted to post a new tutorial. For that reason, I posted the shorter tutorial now rather than waiting for a meatier tutorial. I plan to release a meatier tutorial next weekend, depending on how my follow-up appointment on my eyes goes. If it is another marathon appointment, I might not have the time. So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!