MonoGame RPG Tutorial 49 – Status Again

First, let me say that I am thrilled to have been offered and accepted a new position starting September 20th. That said, I won’t have nearly the same time to devote to tutorials, not that I won’t devote time to tutorials. I will make time for them, though, because I have made the commitment and want to see it through.

What’s Next?

As far as tutorials are concerned, I will be working on the next MonoGame RPG tutorial. It will be on the combat engine again because it is so important to an RPG, and I will be offering balanced equipment as part of the tutorial. That will take some tweaking to get right. I don’t know if it will be this tutorial will be, but I need to tackle dropping loot when an enemy is vanquished.

My Projects

For the foreseeable future, my projects will be on hold. I want to focus on my new job and tutorials. Throwing my side projects into the mix will just be too much at once. That is not saying that I will be abandoning them completely. It just means that I realize trying to balance the three of them will be too much. I will get stressed over it and have to drop most of them.

Final Thoughts

This new job is very unexpected. The company contacted me out of the blue. However, they seemed to want me back in this new position that opened up. I was supposed to have an interview this morning, but they cancelled it. I feared that they found another candidate, but it was because of my reputation when I worked for them before. The current part-time job I’m working has to go, of course. It means less time for projects and tutorials, but I have to put food on the table. Squeaking by month to month has definitely lost its appeal. So, keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures.
