I’m Back!

Wow, it’s been well over a year. Things have been very strange. However, I’m settling back into a routine and I want to get back to game programming and writing. I have been doing game programming. I’ve created a card game that I spend more time playing than writing. 😛 I’ve started work on making it multiplayer. It is called Realms, until I can come up with a better name. It is a cross between Magic the Gathering and Dominion.

What’s Next?

I’m glad that you asked! I’m thinking of branching out the tutorials to work on Android and iOS. I’m also going to continue work on the existing series. My very next tutorial will be an Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial. I don’t have a lot of time for writing, but I’m going to give it a go. Let me know if you think I should try video tutorials instead of text tutorials.

My Projects

As I mentioned earlier, my project is currently Realms. I’m thinking of setting up a demo version of it. It is an online game, or will be, so I need to set up a server or set it up in the cloud. I’m considering doing the later.

Final Thoughts

I’m sorry for being away. My health hasn’t been the greatest. Every two weeks I have to have a medical treatment. Also, I’ve been very busy thanks to my work. Over the past month I’ve slowly been getting back into game programming. I will admit that the writing bug has bit me as well. So, I encourage you to keep coming back! I will be posting tutorials soon enough.