I have just finished part one of my Space Invaders tutorial. It is a fully functional game. The one thing I did not implement was the shields. I need to come up with a way to implement them. I have a few ideas that I will give a try. You can find the tutorial at this link. This is what the finished game looks like.

What’s Next?
Up next will be part two of the Space Invaders tutorial. The other thing that I might do is a tutorial on the Snake game. That is a game where you control a snake and eat mushrooms. As you eat mushrooms, the snake grows. You need to guide the snake and not crash into the walls, rocks or yourself.
My Projects
So, I’m working on a card game that I’m calling Realms. It is a strategic game where you try to amass the most victory points or reduce your opponent’s live points to zero. I have the game playing fine locally, I’m the process of making it multiplayer.
Final Thoughts
It feels good to be back in the tutorial writing game. I’ve missed it but I’ve been very busy with life and not able to devote time to it. I will be working on the blog and tutorials again, though. So, I’d suggest coming back to see any changes.